Copyright, privacy and license

Almost every image on this website is displayed with the subject’s explicit consent. (The few exceptions are images shot in the street.) My standard contract gives the client an unrestricted license to use the photographs I deliver wherever, whenever and however they want. But it also specifies that I retain the copyright of my work, and that I too may use the images in any way that I wish.

When I give the contract to a client to sign I usually point this out, explaining that the only way I can attract new customers is to show the work that I have already done. The great majority understand, and have no problem with this. But a few do object or hesitate – for a variety of reasons, they would prefer me not to use the images I make for them. I always accept this without argument. I simply amend the contract so that although I still retain the copyright, I renounce all rights to use the photographs produced. And – unlike many photographers – I don’t charge anything extra in this case. (Full buy-out, where I give up copyright altogether, is something different. For that I do charge a higher rate.)

Screenshots of gallery pages

I’ve just added two new photo galleries to the site to show my portraits of couples and of children. Understandably, these are the types of work for which clients most frequently ask me for complete privacy. So I am extremely grateful to all those who gave me permission to use these images. Thank you!